Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend Recap

Hola, lovers. What a lovely weekend. Friday night, Allison came over, and we the made the cauliflower pizza recipe I found on the blog, Escape from Obesity (You should check out her site. She's really inspiring and has a ton of recipes.). It was surprisingly good! Who knew that substituting pizza crust with cauliflower could be so tasty? We tweaked the original recipe a little bit. We made 1 and a half servings, and I didn't have enough mozzarella cheese so we used some fat free cheddar too. Also, I used 1 and half regular eggs instead of buying Egg Beaters (they are too expensive and I'm too cheap). 

Allison's side got a little burnt in the broiler, but she said it was actually really good a little extra-crispy.
Even Murray couldn't tell the difference.
It was a perfect Friday night meal. We did a Biggest Loser DVD beforehand, and both talked about how nice it was not to be too full. It was just the right amount of food.

Saturday morning we went to Zumba and it ended up being a gorgeous day. I got home and was starving, and so was Jon. I knew he wanted to order a pizza, but he wasn't willing to order a smaller sized one so we didn't pig out. He can be stubborn. I suggested I could make a good lunch (and selfishly keep it healthy for me). I made veggie burgers with sauteed green peppers & onions on a low fat bagel with fat free cheddar and ketchup & mustard, jalapeno & cheddar pierogies, and asparagus on the side. It was really good, and again the perfect amount of food.

Saturday night was Lady Gaga. My camera battery was dead and I have no idea where my charger is, so I only have a few blurry pictures from my phone. We went to Allison's before hand, and had some snacks and a ridiculous drink Allison made. It was super sweet, but good.

Our friend Jess is very pregnant, and her boyfriend made her a shirt that said "Little Monster Inside Me"
Awesome stage
I did have a few drinks that night, but stayed away from beer and had rum and diet Coke. It was such a fun night. Allison and I had a sleepover, and stayed up way too late talking. I woke up kind of early and drove home.

I told Jon since we didn't order pizza Saturday, we could Sunday. I ordered a grilled chicken salad (chicken on the side, and Murray has been getting some delicious treats). It still had french fries and cheese on it, but I was ok with that. Jon still insisted on ordering an extra large white pizza. The pieces were cut pretty narrow, so I did have 2 slivers. Even though Sunday is my day off from working out, I wanted to get some form of exercise since food wise, I ate more than I would on a normal weekend. I decided to take Murray on a super long walk through my neighborhood. There are so many streets I haven't been on yet, and I wanted to explore. It was an absolutely beautiful day out yesterday.

One of my fitness goals is to be able to walk from the flat part of my neighborhood, up to the slopes, where I live. Jon does it all the time, but I was afraid I'd get so far up and not be able to make it the rest of the way. I tested myself yesterday and did about 2/3 of the walk. I did get out of breath, but my legs felt strong the whole time. This is the view from the top of the set of steps I took. It probably shows about half of the climb.
I had Murray with me, so there were breaks taken for peeing and sniffing, but we made pretty good time!

I didn't expect to lose weight this weekend, but I wanted to at least maintain, so I had a very light dinner of cauliflower mashed potatoes. I used a wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese to make them creamy. Again, surprisingly good!

So that was my weekend. My weight this morning was 215.8 which means I lost about 2.8 pounds this past week and I am happy with that.


1 comment:

  1. YUMMY! I have never thought to put a wedge of Laughing Cow in the cauliflower. Note to self: go buy some Laughing Cow!

    Love pizza too, so we're going to try the yummy crust.

    Thanks for the ideas.
